Due Diligence

We understand that choosing the right SIPP provider is an important decision, ensuring that a provider is financially stable and set to be around for the long term.

Adviser Due Diligence

Supporting you with additional information on Curtis Banks

Due diligence on a pension provider is essential to safeguard your clients financial future and ensure that they can make the most of your retirement savings. Below we have highlighted some information that may help you performing your own due diligence on us. If you need further information please reach out to your local Business Development Manager.

We look after the pensions of over 78,500 clients with a value of £35.8bn. Those pensions are administered by around 800 staff in teams in Ipswich, Dundee and Bristol.

Read our Curtis Banks Group Due Diligence document to give you confidence that we are your SIPP provider of choice.

Customer Service

Rated by you and your clients

Every relationship is important to us. Looking after your pension is an important responsibility, and one that we take very seriously. SIPPs and SSASs are complex, and no two plans or clients are the same. We have everything from simple portfolios run by a single investment manager, through to large syndicates of clients jointly holding multiple commercial properties. We work hard to deliver the highest standards of service to your adviser, so they can deliver the best possible service to you.


“Curtis Banks” is the trading name of Curtis Banks Group Limited (CBGL) (registered in England, number 07934492), Curtis Banks Limited (CBL) (registered in England, number 06758825), Suffolk Life Pensions Limited (SLPL) (registered in England, number 01180742), Suffolk Life Annuities Limited (SLAL) (registered in England, number 01011674), SLA Property Company Limited (SLAPC) (registered in England, number 01203396), Tower Pension Trustees (S-B) Limited (TPTSB) (registered in Scotland, number SC340871), Bridgewater Pension Trustees Limited (BPTM) (registered in England, number 03821053), SPS Trustees Limited (SPST) (registered in England, number 08312411), Colston Trustees Limited (CTL) (registered in England, number 06867955), Montpelier Pension Trustees Limited (MPTL) (registered in England, number 05802677), Temple Quay Pension Limited (TQPL) (registered England, number 05679427), Tower Pension Trustees Limited (TPTL) (registered in England, number 02178783), Crescent Trustees Limited (CrTL) (registered in England, number 03915165).

“Curtis Banks Pensions” is the trading name of SLPL.
CBGL, CBL, TPTSB, BPTM, SPST, CTL, MPTL, TQPL, TPTL, CrTL have their registered office at Suite B & C, First Floor, Milford House, 43-55 Milford Street, Salisbury, SP1 2BP. SLPL, SLAL, SLAPC have their registered office at 153 Princes Street, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP1 1QJ. CBL and SLPL are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. SLAL is authorised as an insurance company authorised by Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) and regulated by the FCA and PRA.
CBGL, CBL, BPTL, CTL, SPSTL, MPTL, TQPTL, TPTL, CrTL and TPTSB are members of a VAT group with VAT registration number 207996471. SLPL, SLAL and SLAPC are members of a VAT group with VAT registration number 241841520.

All companies are wholly owned subsidiaries of Nucleus Financial Platforms Limited (registered in England, number 06033126) whose registered office is at Suite B & C, First Floor, Milford House, 43-55 Milford Street, Salisbury, SP1 2BP, and are members of the Nucleus Group. Further details of the Nucleus Group can be found at nucleusfinancial.com (12/24)