Investment Options
Your Future SIPP
Investment Options
One of the widest choices of investment optionsAt Curtis Banks we know that investment strategies and requirements can change throughout a retirement planning journey. We are proud to offer one of the widest choices of investment options within a self-invested pension to meet a variety of bespoke needs.
Below we have outlined 5 of our core investment choices and how these can be used within one of our self-invested pensions.

Discretionary Fund Managers
With Discretionary Fund Managers you can build risk profiled SIPP portfolios that are completely tailored to individual needs. You can appoint an investment firm of your choice to manage your clients’ investments on either a discretionary, advisory or execution only basis. We have relationships with over 200 approved investment firms but we are happy to work with any new investment firm that meets our due diligence requirements. View our full list of investment partners below.

Commercial Property
Whether you have a single client looking to buy a property outright, or a mixed group of SIPP and non-SIPP purchasers looking to use borrowing to facilitate their purchase, our dedicated support teams can help you navigate the process. If it’s commercial and based in the UK we will happily assess it, be it freehold, leasehold or commonhold. We own properties ranging from the ordinary to the extraordinary, with the most common including: shops, offices, restaurants, land, industrial units, hotels, and leisure facilities.

Bespoke Investments
Self-invested pensions offer significant investment choice flexibility, putting clients in control. At Curtis Banks, we are proud to offer one of the widest choices of investment options available, including standard and non-standard investments. There are also some investments which we deem specialist investments. Specialist investments are only allowable in our self-invested pensions if they meet our due diligence requirements. The FCA restricts who can receive the promotion of and invest in specialist investments, this includes: certified high net worth investors, certified sophisticated investors and self-certified sophisticated investors. Unlisted shares can be allowable and cover any UK-based company shares (including ordinary and preference shares) that are not listed on a stock exchange. Private Equity is an alternative investment class that invests in or acquires private companies on a managed basis. We deem Unregulated Collective Investment Schemes and unlisted shares to be specialist investments. You can read our Schedule of Allowable Investments to identify whether we categorise an asset as standard or specialist.

Cash And Fixed Term Deposits
There are plenty of reasons why clients may wish to hold some of their savings in cash as an intentional part of their retirement planning strategy. Cash is a secure asset and we offer a range of cash investment solutions including: fixed term, fixed rate, and notice accounts that can be opened directly with Curtis Banks or through an investment firm from our panel of approved providers. Alternatively you can choose to use a ‘cash platform’ where you can easily compare various rates and manage multiple cash accounts without completing a new application each time. Not only that but we pay interest on any cash held in the SIPP bank account. Learn more about how interest on SIPP bank account balances is applied and how this will be of particular benefit to clients as interest rates increase below.

Gold can be accessed in our self-invested pensions in two ways: via the Royal Mint (wholly owned by His Majesty’s Treasury) or via an online platform – non-physical gold. Providers must be one of our Investment Partners and meet our due diligence requirements. Gold is classified as a ‘non-standard’ investment and is not regulated by the FCA or covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme.
Allowable Investments
Expertise for a wide choice of investmentsWe have the expertise to handle a wide variety of investments, including property and specialist investments such as unlisted shares. Our aim is to be as flexible as possible to cater for the widest investment requirements.
Access our Schedule of Allowable Investments for full details.
Next Steps
If you would like to find out more about any of our investment options, our national Business Development team are here to help. Click the link below to contact our local Business Development Manager.