New case studies available – what happens at age 75?
Originally sent on 24 May 2018
New case studies now available – Age 75 issues
You’ve previously told us that case studies are one of the most helpful ways to demonstrate how some of the more complex pension rules work in practice. Therefore we are pleased to announce that we’ve released three new case studies which look at some of the issues facing individuals taking pension benefits after age 75.
It’s only been a few years since the requirement to crystallise benefits by age 75 was removed, and your clients now have the option to access their pension benefits after this age. However, the fact that the last lifetime allowance tests (except for certain increases in scheme pensions in payment) still take place at age 75 can add complication. Many of you will only have the occasional client in this situation, and we hope these case studies serve as a refresher of some of the key points in the rules.
The new case studies cover:
- Lifetime allowance at age 75
- PCLS (Tax free cash) after age 75
- UFPLS before and after age 75
If you have any questions about these case studies or would like to discuss a specific case, please contact us.