New year – new opportunities: Commercial property as a pension investment

Originally sent 09 January 2020


  • A SIPP can borrow up to 50% of the net fund value to purchase a property.
  • Additional tax advantages may arise when a client sells their business premises to their SIPP and leases it back to their firm. For example rent paid to a client’s SIPP is a deductible business expense and could therefore reduce the income or corporation tax liability to their business.
  • Any growth in the property value, when held in a SIPP, is free from Capital Gains Tax.
  • The rental income received by the SIPP is also tax free.
  • If the SIPP purchases a property owned by the client’s company, this can release cash back into their business.
  • Insolvency – the SIPP is generally outside reach of trustee in bankruptcy.
  • The SIPP is generally outside of clients’ estates for inheritance tax purposes.


With a variety of funding methods available to facilitate a property purchase and a number of flexible ways in which you can invest in property and hold property with Curtis Banks – holding commercial property could be an option for clients that may dismiss the idea if they don’t believe they have sufficient funds to purchase the property on their own.


Owning commercial property within a SIPP or SSAS allows you to plan for the future and take advantage of intergenerational planning options available.

Our expertise and experience

At Curtis Banks we are one of the biggest commercial landlords in Europe and have years of expertise in holding properties within SIPPs and SSASs.

We administer over 77,000 SIPPS and own over 6,400 properties on behalf of over 9,400 clients.

The breadth of our experience in property purchase, on-going management and SIPP administration ideally positions Curtis Banks to provide for your SIPP property needs.

Read our Property Guide to understand the benefits and risks of investing in commercial property.


Visit our Property page to find out all you need to know to get started with commercial property today.

Contact your Business Development Manager and start a conversation about your commercial property requirements.

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