The future’s here already

Self-invested pensions for the modern world of retirement.

We provide you with all the choice and flexibility required from a SIPP, making it the only SIPP you will need both pre and post retirement.

The only pension you will need

Designed to meet your needs before and after retirement

Welcome to Curtis Banks. We specialise in self-invested pensions and have grown to be one of the UK’s largest independent SIPP and SSAS operators. Our senior team has been involved with SIPP and SSAS since 1995 giving us almost unrivalled experience in this field. We joined Nucleus in 2023 and through a combination of acquisitions and organic growth, the group has grown to look after over 235,000 clients with over £100bn of assets under administration.

LTA abolishment

An update from HMRC

The lifetime allowance is being abolished on 6 April, however as you may be aware, there have been some challenges faced by platforms, advisers and clients in navigating the new rules due to delays receiving guidance from HMRC.

On 4 April, HMRC released a newsletter in which it advises some clients to delay taking benefits, or transferring their pension until it can remedy incorrect legislation.

HMRC advise that certain groups of people should delay action until regulations are passed through Parliament to correct the legislation. Those affected by HMRC’s advice relate to any cash which involves:

  • scheme specific tax-free cash protection
  • a transfer with enhanced protection
  • enhanced protection and primary protection cases with protected lump sum rights of more than £375,000
  • the payment of a lump sum death benefit from funds which crystallised before 6 April 2024
  • any transfer from drawdown to a QROPS
  • any transfer to a QROPS which involves pre-April 2006 benefits.

In respect of the above cases, HMRC state that ‘schemes should advise members to request a delay to the payment/defer their request to transfer’.

Therefore, if you believe that you fall into one of the scenarios above, please contact your financial adviser. If you do not have a financial adviser, please contact us directly.

Please contact 0370 414 7000 and select option 8 to be put through to the relevant team


Working together

We work together with you and your financial adviser

Now that you are considering a Curtis Banks pension, or are already with us, let’s share some important points about working with us.

It is important to remember that we don’t offer financial or investment advice and don’t provide our own investments, leaving you and your adviser free to build a pension which works for your retirement goals. We can answer your questions but can’t offer recommendations or make decisions on your behalf, and will not be responsible for the outcomes of your decisions.

You choose what to put in your pension. We don’t provide investments of our own, so you and your adviser decide which investment providers, platforms and brokers you want to work with. Our only condition is that the firm meets our due diligence requirements.

If you have a financial adviser, we will normally deal with them directly to manage the day-to-day running of your SIPP. We’ll still be at the end of the phone if you ever need to talk to us and we pride ourselves on the dedication of our high-calibre, professional people in delivering the best service for our clients.

We’ll provide you and your adviser with access to our secure portal where you can view up to date information about your SIPP.

We’ll contact your adviser if there are any important changes that affect the operation of your pension. If we need to contact you directly, we’ll let your adviser know first.

A provider you can trust

Rated by industry experts, and our clients

We understand that choosing the right SIPP provider is an important decision, ensuring that a provider is financially stable and set to be around for the long term.

We are delighted that Your Future SIPP has been independently rated and received a 5 star rating from Defaqto for the last 5 years. We have also been awarded Best SIPP Provider at the Money Marketing Awards 2023.

We joined Nucleus in 2023 and now look after the pensions of over 235,000 clients with a value of £97bn.


One of the widest ranges of investment choices

Your Future SIPP gives you and your adviser access to a huge range of investment platforms, brokers and wealth managers, allowing you to hold a variety of investments within the same pension. This is much more flexible than many types of personal pension, with the added advantage of fixed fees which are increasingly competitive as your pension fund grows.


Portal access comes as standard with all our pensions

Our online portal allows you to access your plan dashboard, giving you information on your SIPP at the click of a button. If you do have any questions regarding your SIPP you will be able to contact us quickly and efficiently via secure message. We continue to deliver a series of planned improvements to the portal, bringing you greater functionality to help plan for the retirement you want.


The only SIPP you will need before and after retirement.

When you’re ready to take benefits from your pension, we’re here to help. You can withdraw your tax free cash all at once or take it in stages. You can set up regular income payments which can be amended or stopped at any time. You can take single payments from your pension as needed. We’ll help you access your pension in a way which works for you.

Getting help if you need support

We continually strive to deliver an inclusive service for all. Everyone has the right to, and should be treated fairly no matter who they are or what they may be going through in life. If you consider yourself to have a vulnerability or require accessibility support, please feel free to get in touch to see how we can make adjustments.

T: 0370 414 7000


There are also a number of third party resources available to help those who may need additional support. Contact details for some of these resources can be found here.

Ways to contact us

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Via our portal

Please send us your forms and instructions securely by using our convenient and encrypted messaging feature on the Curtis Banks portal.

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Via email

If you'd like to send us an email, please search our Contact page to find the relevant contact details.

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Via phone

If you'd like to speak directly to a member of our team you can call us on 0370 414 7000

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Every relationship is important to us. Looking after your pension is an important responsibility, and one that we take very seriously. SIPPs and SSASs are complex, and no two plans or clients are the same. We have everything from simple portfolios run by a single investment manager, through to large syndicates of clients jointly holding multiple commercial properties. We work hard to deliver the highest standards of service to your adviser, so they can deliver the best possible service to you.


Zedra Governance Advisory Arrangement (‘GAA’) Reports

If you are a policyholder for a Curtis Banks workplace pension and would like to make any representation to Zedra you should contact

Curtis Banks Group
Terms of Reference - ZEDRA Governance Advisory Arrangement ('GAA') Report
pdf | 146 KB
Curtis Banks Group
ZEDRA Governance Advisory Arrangement ('GAA') Report 2024
pdf | 640 KB
Curtis Banks Group
ZEDRA Governance Advisory Arrangement ('GAA') Report 2023
pdf | 444 KB
Curtis Banks Group
ZEDRA Governance Advisory Arrangement ('GAA') Report 2022
pdf | 441 KB
Curtis Banks Group
ZEDRA Governance Advisory Arrangement ('GAA') Report 2021
pdf | 1 MB