Curtis Banks partners with V&A Dundee

We are pleased to announce that with effect from 01 December 2021, Curtis Banks has become Corporate Members of V&A Dundee.

From now and throughout 2022 our new partnership with V&A Dundee will ensure the museum can continue to offer world class exhibitions, learning and community programmes in Dundee’s city centre. Our support will be listed on
the V&A Dundee website and donor board in the museum.

V&A Dundee is the first ever dedicated design museum in Scotland and the only other V&A museum anywhere in the world outside of London. V&A Dundee presents the best of Scottish creativity and design from around the world, providing a place of inspiration, discovery and learning. Its mission is to enrich lives through design.

We look forward to supporting V&A Dundee in 2022. Find out more about V&A Dundee.

V&A Dundee