Simpler to apply, easier to use

We know the past few months have challenged your ways of working as we have all adapted to find a ‘new normal’ for conducting business. We’ve listened to your feedback and are delivering improvements.

We have delivered a number of adviser-focussed improvements to the Your Future SIPP online application form. These will make our application process easier, providing you with immediate time savings now and in the future.

You can now complete more of your application online, without the need to contact us or send us supplementary paper forms. Of course, we’ll still be happy to help with any parts of your application if you need to get in touch via secure message.

Here’s an overview of the key changes available right now:

  • Flexi access drawdown – you now have the capability to immediately designate funds to flexi access drawdown
  • Print functionality – you can now print pages of a client’s dashboard via the standard print function of your browser
  • Transfers – you can now input an unlimited number of transfers including unlimited crystallised and uncrystallised transfers
  • Contributions – you can now input an unlimited number of contributions on an application
  • Investment firms – you can now record details of an unlimited number of investment firms on the application form
  • Beneficiaries – there’s now no limit on the number of beneficiaries, including alternatives and you can now add Trusts, Charities or organisations as beneficiaries.

Additional online forms will still be required for certain contributions, as well as UFPLS, property, investments via a third party investment firm and direct investments.

We’ve also created a brand new transfer form which can be used for transfers to all existing Your Future SIPP and Suffolk Life heritage plans. You are now able to request both uncrystallised and crystallised transfers on the same form. Our Transfer form is also fully editable for ease of use. For Curtis Banks heritage plans, please continue to use the existing forms.

Your local Business Development Manager is ready to talk you through the changes and explain more about what you can do online with us via our powerful online portal.

Thank you for your continued support.