Walker Cambria Quarterly Seminar

We are delighted to be partnering with Walker Cambria to invite you to the Walker Cambria Quarterly Seminar on 11 October at The Village Hotel, Cardiff.

We will outline the benefits of holding commercial property in a SIPP, and get the latest updates from JP Morgan Global Macro Opportunities and London & Colonial.

Date: Friday 11th October

Location: The Village Hotel, Cardiff.

Please click here to register your place.

With the global economic outlook appearing mixed, the responsiveness of both the US Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank has been encouraging. The eurozone’s room for manoeuvre is, however, much more limited than America’s. Once again, the structural flaws of the single currency are being exposed as the continent’s economies slow. In the UK, we are seeing some signs of economic deterioration, in-line with most other major economies, but not specifically Brexit-related.

Mark Jackson, Executive Director from JP Morgan’s Global Macro Opportunities fund, will talk through their market outlook. Over the past 5 years the fund has returned around 34%, compared with 5% for the average fund in the IA Targeted Absolute Return space over the same period.

Josh Legg, Curtis Banks Business Development Manager, will be give an insight into the benefits, risks and ongoing obligations of holding property in a SIPP. The presentation will also cover what types of property can be purchased, the ways in which to own the property and how the purchase can be funded, drawing on real life client case studies to help bring it all to life.

The final speaker, Phil Risbridger, has almost 30 years’ experience working for market leading companies including Scottish Widows, Friends Provident and Aviva. Now working for London & Colonial, Phil will be talking through Flexible Relief solutions for clients who do not have the risk appetite for traditional BPR contracts or the AIM market. He’ll also be touching upon LTA planning and succession planning.

This event has been designed specifically to be useful and relevant for advisers, and we hope to see you there.